Checking in with the CBA’s Family Law Practice

The CBA’s practice groups are really the heart of the Association. We are very lucky to have a robust and active family law practice group and local bar of family law attorneys. I checked in with some of the area’s prominent family law practitioners about practicing in this area and how the CBA has supported them:

Barbara Howard, former CBA President:

“The CBA has been at the forefront of creating a culture of civility among the practicing bar through the CALL program. The CBA’s CLE, especially the annual Domestic Relations seminar, provides top-notch educational opportunities. I also appreciate the work of the Domestic Relations Committee and its positive working relationship with the DR judges and magistrates.”

Former CBA President Jean McCoy, Dinsmore & Shohl LLP: 

“Practicing family law in Cincinnati is hugely rewarding – we have a very collegial bar that is focused on problem solving, which is truly what our families need. The CBA is an excellent resource and I’d encourage practitioners to get involved with the Domestic Relations practice group.”

Samantha Wicktora, Witckora & Miller LLC: 

“The CBA Family Law Practice Group brings together family law attorneys for development through continuing education and monthly meetings, but also gives attorneys an opportunity to get to know one another outside of the courtroom.”

Maggie Nestheide, Link Nestheide Family Law:

 “Throughout my career, I have been supported by so many different attorneys in the family law bar in more ways than I can count. We help one another, such as sharing information regarding developments in the law, changes in local rules, and cheering each other’s accomplishments on.”

CBA Treasurer Adrienne Roach, KMK Law: 

“I have been involved in the CBA since my YLS days. That is a long time! That involvement has positively impacted my practice in many ways. Working with and getting to know so many attorneys in all practice areas has been a fantastic networking opportunity and I owe a lot of my success to the connections I have made through the CBA.”

Zachary D. Smith: 

“The Cincinnati Bar Association is an integral resource for family law practitioners. The CBA has great family law CLE, a robust practice group, and ensures practitioners receive regular updates from the Court.”

Trista Goldberg, Goldberg Evans:

“It is hard to imagine practicing anything other than family law at this point. Getting involved with the CBA family law committee and making connections with the lawyers I would have cases with helped me better represent my clients and prepare them for what to expect in one of the most difficult experiences of their life.”

Jeffrey S. Goodman, Goodman & Morrisroe, LLC: 

“The family law bar in Cincinnati is unique for the respectful and mindful approach that practitioners take toward their colleagues. My life is made richer and more interesting everyday by the sincere and meaningful relationships that I have with the attorneys I have the privilege of working with.”

Wijdan Jreisat, Katz Teller: 

“The domestic relations bar, and the community fostered by the CBA, has created a network of colleagues who understand that, even in an adversarial system, we are still committed to the same goals and can work together when our clients aren’t able to be together.”

President's Farewell

I am forever grateful for the opportunity to serve as the CBA President. My year as President went too fast and there were goals and projects that will still need work. As the expression goes, time flies when you’re having fun, and that was very true with my experience.

I always respected the CBA administrators, but after working alongside them so closely this last year, I realize even more just how incredibly vital they are to the success of this organization. I appreciate all of the support Lisa McPherson and her team provided me and for their thoughtfulness and care for the CBA. My experience also further solidified what makes the CBA so special — its members.

The collegiality we have within the CBA makes it truly another place to call home.

Faith C. Whittaker is a partner at Dinsmore and the 2024-2025 CBA president.
