Ethics Help & Lawyer Assistance

Need help sorting out an ethical quandary? Help is just a phone call away!

The members of the CBA Ethics & Professional Responsibility Committee listed below will help you interpret your obligations under the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct. Please note that questions posed should be framed hypothetically and relate to your own prospective conduct. The committee also accepts requests for written opinions.

March Ethics Hotline Attorneys

  • Janice Barr 513-520-9142
  • Sean Vicente 513-946-3715
  • Stephen A. Simon 513-946-3289

Ethics inquiries may also be posed to CBA Bar Counsel by calling (513) 381-8213.

Never called the Ethics Hotline before? Wondering how it works? Click here! 

Health & Well Being Programming/Resources

The Health and Well-Being Committee serves the needs of attorneys as they strive to live life in balance amid the challenges of law practice. The Committee coordinates the monthly Balanced Living column in the CBA Report and produces quarterly Balanced Living Lecture Series. View article and lecture archive.



Fee Disputes Between Lawyers

If you have a fee dispute with a lawyer over a shared fee, please submit a letter to Bar Counsel detailing the nature of the dispute. Be sure to attach a copy of the written agreement that is pertinent to the dispute. The information will be reviewed by the Fee Arbitration Committee.



Ethical Misconduct

If you have a professional obligation to report misconduct of another lawyer, please submit a letter with the information to Bar Counsel. The information will be reviewed by the Certified Grievance Committee. Information regarding the grievance process can be found here.



Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program

 OLAP provides confidential assistance to lawyers and law students in the areas of addiction and mental health.