CLE events are a fantastic way to serve and engage your members and others in the Greater Cincinnati legal community. Thanks to the contributions of amazing volunteers, CBA committee/practice group seminars have always been at the heart of our CLE offerings. Our goal is to support each group in hosting at least one CLE program per bar year. In addition, we encourage groups to take advantage of the CBA’s special committee CLE offer, which provides each committee the opportunity to host one one-hour CLE program per bar year (in place of a regular meeting) at a reduced registration fee of $15 for members of your group. Committee members also have the option of attending this meeting at no cost if they do not wish to claim CLE credit. 60-days’ notice to the CLE team is required for the special committee CLE.
Below are the CBA’s CLE Planning Guidelines, which detail the planning process. Please review the planning guidelines. Advance planning is crucial. Because of the lead time required to properly plan and market a quality program, we should begin working on full and half-day seminars at least six months before the event is set to occur. Shorter programs can be planned with a bit less lead-time, but earlier is always better! Thank you for your time and interest. We look forward to working with you!
Before you begin planning a CLE seminar, please talk to your CBA CLE staff contact. She is an integral part of the planning process and looks forwards to helping you plan and host successful CLE programs.
Seminar pricing and administrative policies are set by the CBA Board of Trustees as detailed in the Statement of CLE Policies, listed below. In addition, co-sponsorship of CLE programs is governed by the CBA’s CLE Co-Sponsorship Policy, also listed below.
The Cincinnati Bar Association’s primary method of offering continuing legal education is through sole sponsorship of programs created and presented on a voluntary basis by attorneys. Often, however, the CBA is approached with requests to co-sponsor CLE programs. In order to review these requests on a consistent basis, the CBA adopts the following policy.
Approved by the Cincinnati Bar Association Board of Trustees on January 25, 2012.
Approved by the CBA Board of Trustees on January 25, 2012
The CBA accredits the vast majority of its programs for CLE in Ohio and Kentucky. However, due to variations in CLE rules across jurisdictions, CLE credit may not be available for all of these states for every program. The amount and type of credit available for a specific program will be published on the promotional material and/or on the CBA website for that program. At the attendee’s request, the CBA will provide documentation for self-reporting to other jurisdictions. It is the CBA’s policy to comply with the above stated jurisdictions’ deadlines for the submission of CLE applications. The filing of untimely applications reflects poorly on the CBA and has the potential to negatively impact the CBA’s status as an established CLE sponsor. Therefore, it is the CBA’s policy not to file late applications for CLE credit.
Registration fees for live CBA CLE programs shall be based on the following minimum pricing established by the CBA Board of Trustees effective May, 2023: CBA Members: $40/credit hour Non-Members: $60/credit hour For seminars involving extraordinary expenses such as speaker honorariums, speaker travel, or meals, the registration fee for the seminar shall be adjusted upwards if no sponsorship exists to underwrite the additional expense. Registrations fees for specific programs will be as published by the CBA via its website or printed promotional material. Pro-rated fees and complimentary fees for auditing a program without claiming CLE credit are not available.
The following discounts are approved as exceptions to the CBA’s regular CLE program pricing: CBA Young-Lawyer Member: $15 for Brown Bag CLEs CBA New-Lawyer Member: Starting at $15/hour CBA Law-Student Member:
Non-Attorney Support Staff: 50% off the applicable member or non-member attorney registration fee Complimentary Registration: Members of the program faculty and planning committee for a particular program are invited to attend that program at no cost. CBA Committee CLE Offer: Once per bar year, each CBA committee may offer one one-hour CLE program in place of its regular committee meeting. Members of the committee may earn one hour of CLE credit for $15 or may opt to attend at no cost if they do not wish to claim credit. The CLE Director shall retain the discretion to extend discounted pricing or complimentary registration to specific individuals in special circumstances. For example, an invitation for discounted or complimentary registration may be made on occasion to contributing members of the CBA or to members of board level committees.
The CBA offers self-study CLE programming through collaboration with the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Association Consortium. Pricing for self-study programs is set by agreement of members of the consortium in consultation with a third-party provider.
The CBA’s default cancellation policy is as follows: Cancellations received by noon the business day prior to the seminar will be refunded less a $25 cancellation fee. Individuals who cancel after this time, or who are no-shows, will receive course materials in lieu of a refund. The CBA’s policy for cancellations and refunds for a specific program will be stated on the promotional material for the program. Where such language differs from the CBA’s default cancellation policy, the policy stated on the promotional material is controlling. The CLE Director and the CBA CLE staff shall retain the discretion to permit individual exceptions to the cancellation/refund policy in special circumstances such as illness or family emergency. Such discretion includes the authority to transfer an individual to another program without penalty.
The CBA will generally allow the substitution of one attendee for another at any time and without penalty.