Grants & Scholarships

Grant Application Form

  • CBF Logo

    Grant Application Instructions:
    Thank you for your interest in funding from the Cincinnati Bar Foundation. We are a grant making organization that has been in existence for over 50 years. We support programs in the community that reflect our mission in promoting justice and education of the law. Justice and the legal system reach far beyond the courtroom, and touch each of our lives.
    To be considered in our next grant cycle, please complete the grant application by 5 p.m., February 14, 2025.
    Our grant application is now a fillable form. Upon completion, you will receive an email with a copy of your application.
    If you have any questions, please contact Lisa McPherson at
  • Cincinnati Bar Foundation
    225 East 6th Street, 2nd Floor
    Cincinnati, OH 45202

    501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Organizations  

     Section One

    Organization Data


    Request Data

  • Before using the Common Grant Application, please call the funder to discuss your proposal and to request guidelines for additional information about the funder and how it uses the Application.


  • The Cincinnati Bar Foundation Grant Application
    The narratives for Sections Two through Six should not exceed five pages.
    Responses should be single spaced, single-sided and use a minimum of 12-point type.

    Section Two - Profile of Organization
    1) Brief summary of organization’s history
    2) Brief statement of organization’s vision/mission
    3) Brief description of current programs/projects and activities
    4) Description of organization’s constituency and geographic region (if different than described above)
  • Section Three - Statement of Need
    Statement of need the project is attempting to meet, or benefit the project is attempting to produce, and evidence of that need or benefit.
  • Section Four - Program/Project Description & Methodo1ogy
    1) Description of program/project, including:
        a) Activities to accomplish programs/project (Is this a new or ongoing activity?)
        b) Goals/objectives
        c) Timetable for implementation
        d) Duration of program/project
        e) Measurable outcomes
        f) Evidence of use of best practices
    2) Will the organization collaborate with other organizations (if so, with whom and how?)
    3) Why is your organization qualified and appropriate to address this need or benefit?
  • Section Five - Evaluation
    1) How will success be defined and measured, for example what are the short term, intermediate and/or long term outcomes?
    2) How will the evaluation be conducted?
    3) How will the people served be involved in the program/project evaluation?
    4) How will the results be used and disseminat
  • Section Six - Program/Project Funding Plans
    1) List of other funders to which the proposal has been and will be submitted. For each] amount requested and status of request, i.e., request will be submitted, is pending, was declined. If funded, specify amount of grant.
    2) Other anticipated funding including:
        a) Earned revenue
        b) In-kind support
        c) Special events
        d) Fundraisers, etc.
    3) Anticipated future/long-term funding strategies and sources, if appropriate
  • Section Seven - Required Financial Attachments
    1) Statement of Revenue/Support and Expenses for your organization’s most recently completed fiscal/calendar year.
    2) Balance Sheet for most recently completed fiscal year.
    3) Most recent, complete audit including auditor’s notes. If the organization does not have one, then send the most recent 990.
    4) Budget for the current fiscal/calendar year including a column showing the organization’s year-to-date status.
    5) Project Budget for your entire project.
    6) Provide pro forma project budgets for the next three years, if there are ongoing expenses associated with your project which increase the organization’s operating budget by 20% or more, or if this is a new organization. The purpose of the pro forma is to show how the organization plans to sustain the project.
  • Section Eight - Required Non-Financial Attachments
    1) IRS letter of determination 501(c)(3), or if such a letter does not exist see specific funder requirements
    2) Names, affiliations and demographics of board members
    3) List of key staff members and qualifications, or an organizational chart
    4) One or more examples of the following
        a) Annual reports
        b) Organizational brochure
        c) Sample newsletter
        d) Program
    5) Letters of commitment from collaborating organizations, if appropriate.

    Affirm the statement below by signing and submitting this form.

    The applicant agrees to use grant funds within 12 months of the date the Board approves the grant. The applicant will use the funds only or the purpose requested and will submit a written report on how the grant was used. If it becomes clear that the funds will not be used for the purpose requested, the applicant will return the funds within the 12-month grant period. The grant shall be used by applicant exclusively to fund expenses directly attributable or allocable to the educational and/or charitable activities specified in the grant request. Such expenses include all direct expenses and a reasonable allocable share of general and administrative costs connected with such activities.

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    The Consortium for Strengthening Communities is a collaborative effort of funders, non-profit organizations and consultants working to improve the quality of life in the Greater Cincinnati region by building the performance capability of not-for-profit and community organizations and by facilitating effective collaboration among not-for-profit organizations and the community. The Common Grant
    Application was developed by the consortium May 2000 as a means of furthering this mission, and has been adopted by a number of leading funders in the region.