Belong to the CBA

Attorney Membership

At the CBA, we believe in the success, engagement and collegiality of our membership. Whether by attending networking events, involvement in practice & interest groups or holding a leadership position, we strive to give you the opportunities that will help you grow professionally and thrive.


Attorney Membership Application      Membership Scholarship Application


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Special Membership Categories


  • Retired. Any attorney admitted to any bar in the United States or the District of Columbia, who is not engaging in the active practice of law by reason of retirement.
  • Inactive. Any attorney admitted to any bar in the United States or the District of Columbia, who is not engaging in the active practice of law by reason other than retirement and other than Bar discipline, suspension, revocation, or resignation of license to practice law.
  • Non-resident. Any attorney admitted to any bar in the United States or the District of Columbia, whose principal practice is not in Hamilton County or in one of the contiguous counties of Dearborn, Butler, Warren, Clermont, Campbell, Kenton and Boone.
  • Law Faculty. Any attorney who is a full-time member of the faculty of any ABA-accredited law school.

Special Membership Categories have voting restrictions.

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CBA membership and sustaining dues are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, it may be deductible as a business expense.