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President’s Brief
You’re Invited:
Shaping the Future We Need in the Legal Profession
At the Bar Association, we are working to shape a better future with sustainable solutions for the legal profession: increasing access to justice, expanding opportunities for engagement, and helping lawyers practice better.
One of the many ways you can become involved is through Lawyers Connection Beyond the Law (LCBL), formerly known as the Lawyer to Lawyer Diversity & Inclusion program. We are currently recruiting a new class of participants in this culturally competent and responsive program. We held a virtual program from November 2020 through July 2021 and look forward to a hybrid model for the future. Additional details are available at and on page 7.
While we continue to use our wonderful Bar Center on Sixth Street (and are currently investing in A/V updates to the fifth floor to better broadcast our events and engage our members), due to the pandemic, we are scheduling what we can in outdoor settings, especially our networking events. Our July Young Lawyers Social was an outdoor sellout event. In August, our CBA board members from 2019-2021 gathered in an open-air setting to thank past pres- idents, Joe Heyd and Judge Chris Wagner, after being unable to do so the past two springs. What a blessing they have been to us. It was a humble but marked achievement to bring us together to reflect and share gratitude.
In that same vein, we invite all of you to kick off the formal September-through-May bar member year of programming with us at FC Cincinnati’s beautiful TQL Stadium on Wednesday, September 29 at 5pm. Tickets are available at cincybar. org/2021membersocial. We will reflect and share thanks there as well, celebrating the award recipients from our virtual annual meetings held in 2020 and 2021.
By Sara Cooperrider
We recently surveyed Bar Association and Bar Foundation board members for input on activities and planning to celebrate
year, and we’d like your input, too. Please visit cincybar.
our 150
org/150 to share your ideas regarding service to our community, service to our members, and celebrating our 150th anniversary.
One major event for which planning is already underway is our 150th Anniversary Gala, set for 2022. Details will be shared in the coming months. Thank you to President-Elect Stephen Richey who is chairing the 150th Gala Committee. If you’d like to join the committee, please reach out to Steve directly or send an e-mail to
Finally, we are looking forward to completing the 2020 Cincin- nati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers Program (CALL) in person in early 2022 and enrolling the 2023 CALL class 2022 marks 25 years for C.A.L.L. In my nonprofit volunteer work, where I am lucky to serve with many lawyers, I am pleased to consistently hear the same feedback from lawyers who are leading important initiatives and undertaking significant work in our community: C.A.L.L. is the best leadership development program in town.
You are invited to join us as a bar member and leader to shape a better future for our members, for the judicial system, and for our community.
Cooperrider is a partner at Taft and the 2021-2022 CBA president.
4 l September/October 2021 CBA REPORT