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President’s Brief
30 Years of CBA Membership, the Experience of a Career
It was the first week in September 1993. I had graduated from Chase, taken the bar exam and finished my last summer at Aronoff, Rosen and Hunt. I had just started my clerkship with Judge Spiegel when he invited me to a meeting of the Potter Stewart Inn of Court, where local attorneys and judges take turns educating each other in the art of litigation. On special nights, Judge Spiegel and Judge Karl Rubin would “dialogue.” That was a terrific introduction to the Cincinnati Bar Association. Over the years, the Inn has proved to offer a wealth of litigation skills, many humorous Tuesday nights, and most importantly, many long-term friendships, in particular with our local judges, who join right in with the festivities. We have a tagline: “Dinner and drinks with the judge. It’s not ex parte, it’s Inn of Court.”
I have enjoyed and benefited greatly from my years at the CBA. The publication of this March/April issue of The Report marks the time for us to renew our annual membership. It’s easy — just visit to access your account and renew.
One of the best benefits of the CBA is the practice groups. No matter what your area of practice, there’s a practice group for you. Currently the CBA offers over 20 practice groups among them bankruptcy, estate planning and probate, international law, social security, local government, and non-profit law. For a complete list, go to I participate in the Labor and Employment Group, where I particularly appreciate the camara- derie between attorneys, who often find themselves at odds in the courtroom. More recently, since I changed my practice exclusively to mediation, I have enjoyed meeting with my fellow mediators and arbitrators at ADR practice group meetings.
By Steve Richey
A core service of the CBA is providing interesting and quality CLE. I know that there are endless opportunities nowadays for meeting your CLE requirements. If you really want meaningful CLE programs, presented by local experts, practitioners, and judges, consider the CBA. As members, you are entitled to special discounts and free programs.
Finally, I want to mention our interest groups, like the Women Lawyers Section, LGBTQ+, Senior Lawyers, and probably our most dynamic and fun group, the Young Lawyers Section. You can belong to these concurrently with practice groups which I find rounds out the CBA experience.
As this is my last Report, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the honor of being your President. The job of President is a giant networking opportunity. I have truly enjoyed meeting with so many of you. I also want to thank Lisa McPherson and the staff of the CBA for the fine job they have done in making our 150th year special. I look forward to seeing you in the CBA’s 151st season.
Richey is a mediator with Thompson Hine and the 2022-2023 CBA president.
THE REPORT | March/April 2023 |