Chat with the Chair: LGBTQ+ Interest Group


It’s a fact: All attorneys need CLEs. Whether you prefer your CLE in-person, via Zoom, on-demand, in one-hour chunks, or seminars that span an entire day, the CBA’s got you covered. Your CBA membership gives you unique access to discounted (and sometimes free!) high-quality CLE opportunities that you just can’t find anywhere else. These opportunities aren’t only great resources to gain important legal knowledge - they all provide a wonderful professional network where you can forge lasting relationships with other CBA members while simultaneously developing your leadership skills through the application of hands-on practical experience. 

The annual Cincinnati Academy of Leadership for Lawyers (CALL) focuses on finding ways to enhance the image of lawyers and renew the commitment to professionalism within the legal profession. CALL has built a core of more than 150 practicing attorneys in Greater Cincinnati who lead the community ethically, professionally, and with the highest regard for community service. The visibility of that leadership allows the community to see with their own eyes the contributions we as lawyers make and, as such, helps raise professional standards of lawyers and improve our profession’s overall image. Here are just a couple examples of the specialized programs offered by the CBA: 

  • The Potter Stewart Inn of Court pushes lawyers and judges to reach higher levels of excellence, integrity, and ethical awareness. Inns of Court are modeled after the traditional English version of legal apprenticeship, but modified to fit the particular needs of the American legal system. The Potter Stewart Inn meets once a month from September through May (except December) to network and hold CLE programs on a range of topics covering ethics, litigation, and professionalism. Inn of Court programs are designed to help lawyers become more effective advocates and counselors, always with an eye on ways to sharpen their ethical awareness. More than 100 judges and attorneys participate each year. 
  • The CBA’s biennial Trial Advocacy Institute is a week-long program, where trial attorneys actively learn by participating in exercises on opening statements, direct and cross examinations, closing arguments and entering and effectively using demonstrative evidence. Each participant will have the unique opportunity to receive indi vidual mentoring and immediate, constructive critiques from experienced trial lawyers. The program culminates with the opportunity to conduct a trial before a jury and a real judge. 
  • The CBA also provides dozens of live CLE programs each year, such as the upcoming Municipal Court CLE on November 28. A majority of the programs cover content that is specific to the practice of law in the Greater Cincinnati region and are often presented by local legal experts. We provide regular court updates from both state and federal judges to keep you up to date on court operations and procedures as well as provide practical tips for practicing in our courts. 
  • CBA Practice and Interest groups each plan one or more CLEs annually on topics that are most relevant to current CBA members, no matter the practice area. Over the past year, we’ve offered overviews of significant cases, invited a panel of judges to speak about civility in the courts, provided information on how to use genealogy in your legal practice, and we combined CLE and baseball for our annual Baseball and the Law Seminar. Attorneys were also given the chance to visit the David and Nancy Wolf Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education to learn how to recognize and address antisemitism in the legal system. This is just a small sample of the variety of CLE that we offer! 


If you want your CLE on your schedule, the CBA offers on-demand CLE opportunities. We’ve partnered with the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Associations to provide a catalog of nearly 100 CLEs on dozens of topics that you can take any time. 

Just a reminder – if your last name begins with A-L, your CLE reporting deadline is December 31. Make the CBA your first option to get your credit. 

Trotter Bratton is a judge with the Municipal Court of Hamilton County and the 2023-2024 CBA president. 
