CBA Appointed Committees Seeking Volunteers

The CBA appointed committees are looking for new members. Some of these committees perform regulatory functions as defined by the Rules for the Government of the Bar. Often, members of these committees will serve in various leadership positions within the Cincinnati Bar Association. Descriptions of these committees are as follows:

Administration & Finance

This committee oversees the overall financial and administrative functions of the Cincinnati Bar Association and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees. The members are appointed and approved by the Board of Trustees.


The Admissions Committee is created pursuant to the Gov. Bar R. I. The Supreme Court of Ohio has delegated the duty to investigate the character and fitness of each applicant to the Admissions Committee. Each committee member is assigned 10-12 applicants each year to review and interview the applicants. Committee members agree to participate in admissions interviews throughout the year, attend a training session and may be asked to participate in a hearing related to a pending application.

Ethics & Professional Responsibility

The mission of this committee is to assist attorneys in understanding and interpreting their obligations under the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct. The Committee members staff an Ethics Hotline to respond to ethics inquiries. The committee meets at noon on the third Tuesday of each month.

Fee Arbitration

The Fee Arbitration Committee arbitrates fee disputes between an attorney and client or between attorneys. Fee arbitration is a free service offered by the CBA to those who have agreed to accept and abide by the binding arbitration decision.


The Grievance Committee strives to uphold the highest standards of the legal profession and to protect the public from dishonest attorneys. The Committee investigates allegations of misconduct regarding attorneys practicing in Hamilton County, Ohio. Committee members investigate and prosecute alleged violations of the Code of Professional Conduct. Committee members are expected to attend meetings at noon on the third Thursday of each month.

Unauthorized Practice of Law

The UPL Committee investigates the allegations of the unauthorized practice of law and protects the public. The committee meets at noon on the second Monday of each month.


The Professionalism Committee advocates for the highest standards of professionalism in the legal community and provides an ongoing focus on the broader purpose of the CBA and on the law as a public profession. Committee members participate in the planning programs and presentations relating to professionalism issues. The committee meets at noon on the third Wednesday of each month.

Other Appointed Committees at the CBA: Awards, Nominating

Committee members must be a member of the CBA. Membership to these committees is by appointment only, based on the needs of each committee.

If you are interested in joining any of these committees, or if you have further questions, please contact Megan Roach at 513.699.1395 or mroach@cincybar.org.

Appointed Committees

The appointed committees of the CBA carry out many of the goals and administrative functions of the Bar. Members are appointed by the Board of Trustees.

Appointments on these committees require approval.

Administration & Finance
CBADR Services
Community Service
Diversity & Inclusion
Ethics & Professional Responsibility
Fee Arbitration
Lawyer Referral Service
Unauthorized Practice of Law


Learn more about CBA Appointed Committees. 

To join an Appointed Committee, please contact CBA Membership at mymembership@cincybar.org.