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 • Don’t forget to check with Medi- care and Medicaid.
• Pro Seniors promotes seniors’ legal rights, access to health care, and financial security.
Consider Professional Help
Aging Life Care or geriatric care management, is an association that works with families to help them plan for their parents’ futures, including assessment, monitoring, education, and coaching. They provide an Aging Life Care Profes- sional, also known as a geriatric care manager, a health and human services specialist who acts as a guide and advo- cate for families who are caring for older relatives or disabled adults. The Aging Life Care Professional is educated and expe- rienced in any of several fields related to aging life care/care management, including, but not limited to nursing, gerontology, social work, or psychology, with a specialized focus on issues related to aging and elder care.
If your aging parent is still living at home, you might need to hire a profes- sional caregiver who can provide help while you are at work. AARP,, and are just a few resources that help you find quality caregivers.
Contact the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program
I have heard from many judges and lawyers who are struggling with the intri- cacies of caring for their elderly parents. Setting up schedules, doctor appoint- ments, household chores, etc., takes a toll on you, sometimes in ways no one else can understand. As legal profes- sionals, we often take on more than we can handle. Many of us are perfectionists, so we are disappointed when our plans do not go as we like. This can lead to a tremendous amount of stress, which can lead to depression, mental health issues, substance abuse, etc. OLAP can help you cope when you feel like you just cannot do it, when you are overwhelmed, or when you get depressed. Please call us and let us help.
Does Your Elderly Parent Need Extra Help?
Look for These Signs:
o Harmful behaviors: Missed appointments,
misuse of alcohol or medications, falling
o N N e e g gl l e e c c t t e e d d h hy yg gi i e e n n e e: : D ir ty c l o t he s , b o dy o do r,
dirty teeth and nails
o Poor eating habits
o Inappropriate behavior: Rage, paranoia, isolation,
inappropriate remarks
o Personal injuries: Unexplained bruises
o Mishandled fifinances: Not paying bills on time or
at all, misplacing money
o Neglected household
oMedic o
ation confusion: Not taking medications
properly r forgetting to take or refill them
It is not easy for your parent to admit that they need assistance, or they might not even understand they need extra help. If you notice any of these warning signs, it is most likely time to develop a plan of care for your aging parent.
Yes, all these suggestions are easier said than done, but they are possible. You might get to the point where you shut down or feel burned out. Ask for help. Whether it be through OLAP or a profes- sional therapist, make sure you take the necessary steps to keep your health in check.
By Scott R. Mote, Esq., Executive Director of the Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program.
2 “A National Profile of Family and Unpaid Caregivers Who Assist Older Adults With Health Care Activ- ities” by Jennifer L.Wolff, PhD; Brenda C. Spillman, PhD;Vicki A. Freedman, PhD; et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;176(3):372-379. doi:10.1001/jamaint- ernmed.2015.7664.
If you find that you are depressed, stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, seek help. The Ohio Lawyers Assistance Program helps lawyers, judges and law students manage life’s stresses. OLAP has saved lives, careers, marriages and families. All inquiries are confidential. (800) 348-4343 /
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