Page 24 - SeptemberOctober24 Report
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   TAKE THE 2024
You — our CBA members are integral to fulfilling our mission to educate the public.
By taking the time to share your insights on the candidates you work with, voters will have more knowledge as they go to the polls. The Judicial Poll is anonymous, neutral, and unbiased. It’s primary purpose is to educate the public. The Judicial Poll is a confidential and non-partisan poll that rates judicial candidates on the following characteristics:
        Administrative Diligence
Candidate has the ability to run a courtroom in an efficient manner that leads to a timely disposition of matters before the court.
Integrity/Impartiality/ Objectivity Candidate strives to administer justice in an impartial manner free of explicit or implicit bias.
Communication Skills
Candidate communicates in a clear and respectful manner that demonstrates respect for the judicial process.
Legal Experience
Candidate possesses the appropriate knowledge, skillsets, and experience specific to the judicial seat being sought.
Community Engagement
Candidate is engaged in meaningful efforts to improve our community.
Candidate has demonstrated professionalism, ethics, and civility towards attorneys and non-attorneys regardless of what role they play in the judicial process, their political affiliation, and social standing.
THE REPORT | September/October 2024 |
Judicial Polls will be sent to the email address on file for members during the month of September. To confirm or update your email address, please visit your member profile at For more information about the Judicial Poll visit:

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